Become a Booked Out Independent IT Consultant With a Steady Stream of Interesting, High Paying Work

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

IT professionals who have years of extensive experience may entertain the thought of breaking out on their own in order to have more control over the kind of work they perform, flexibility in their calendar, and higher paying opportunities. These factors are appealing, but many are unsure they can “make it” on their own as an independent consultant. 

Without a W-2, full time position with benefits, and a guarantee of income, it can seem like a difficult hurdle to make going from traditional employment to contracting. However, having total control over the kind of work you choose to do from a variety of interesting engagement options, the opportunity to learn new technologies, as well as the ability apply your unique expertise and get paid well for it is worth investigating whether independent consulting could work for you.  There are hallmarks to what can make the difference between being wildly successful and crashing and burning.  In this article, we will discuss some of the important factors that will set you up for success as an independent contractor.

Solid Resume

One of the most fundamental elements for success with any kind of employment venture is a good resume and finely tuned interviewing skills.  Your resume needs to convey your value to a prospective client. Enumerating endless lists of technologies you are familiar with, worked on, or implemented that does not quantify the details of the work you performed and show how it benefited the business or organization is of no value to a potential employer. 

Work experience statements should include the answers to questions like “how many?”, “what versions?”, “what problem?”, “what solution?, “so what?” (Is it relevant?) You need to clearly convey how the work you did benefited the employer, solved a problem, or brought value like time or money saved and answer the question of “how much?” 

When constructing your resume it needs to be less about you as a person (how driven and motivated you are) and more focused on answering the pressing question the client has -“Does this person have the knowledge, skills and experience to solve the specific problem I need a solution for?” If there is a job description that outlines the outcomes they are looking for, your resume needs to directly address those needs and reflect the specific experience you have that demonstrates you have successfully generated those outcomes in the past. 

If you have very specific and deep experience with certain technologies, your resume should portray you as the subject matter expert and demonstrate your expertise of that technology. If you have a wide variety of experience and an extensive repertoire of skills, it is probably best to have different versions of your resume tailored to the specific needs of the potential engagement. 

Strong Interview Skills

With a solid resume that is enticing enough to land an interview, make sure you are well prepared for that interview. Doing basic research about a company or business should be step number one. Make sure you clearly understand what it is they do so that you can intelligently answer interview questions, demonstrating you understand their needs. Try to anticipate what questions may be asked of you and rehearse answers to those questions. If a business is looking to hire you as the expert to solve their problems, they want to be assured that you have the knowledge and experience that is needed, the work ethic to complete the job on time and with integrity, and with as little disruption as possible. Not only is it important to convey that you are what is needed from a technical standpoint and you can solve their business problems, but you also need to convey soft skills, which brings us to our next tip.

People Skills

Oftentimes if you are being brought into a situation as a solution expert, there will be many disruptions and challenges you will face. A decision maker needs assurance that you can enter into the situation not just armed with technical abilities but with strong people skills as well. Companies want assurance that your contribution will include integrity, working well under pressure, the ability to be agile and flexible, good communication, and excellent collaboration with teams. Developing strong interpersonal skills can lead to long term and repeat opportunities as well as ensuring a good reference for future opportunities.  Make sure you are building a good reputation for yourself if you want to remain in high demand.

Learn New Technologies

Expanding your repertoire and certifying on new technologies opens up possibilities for additional types of work. The world of IT is constantly changing - new updates, versions, solutions, if you don’t keep yourself abreast of new technologies you could find your knowledge and expertise quickly becoming obsolete. If you hold certifications, make sure to keep them up to date and current, and consider adding related certifications to expand the breadth of your capabilities. Find out what solutions are in high demand and go after certifications on those technologies. Remaining on the cutting edge and current in your knowledge will keep you in high demand as a solutions expert. Read technical blogs and journals to find out how others are implementing solutions in various scenarios to see how you might apply your experience to areas outside of what you are familiar with.   

Join an IT Consulting Firm or Agency

Unless you have an entrepreneurial bent, excellent business acumen, and sales is your forte, you may want to consider aligning yourself with a consulting firm or agency that has a winning track record in the consulting arena.  Instead of overwhelming yourself with the thought of how to generate enough opportunity in order to have a steady stream of work, finding a firm with other like-minded consultants that is doing the selling for you can make it a much easier leap from traditional employment to contract work. Successful consulting firms that have built a reputation in the IT world as a top solutions provider are in demand and often have a pipeline of work that exceeds their capacity and bench of available consultants.  There is also likely the advantage of in-house training, certifications, and mentoring opportunities to increase your range of skills.

Bottom Line

Not everyone is cut out to become an independent consultant, but if you’re willing to do what it takes, the rewards far outweigh the risks to make the leap. Details like benefits and insurance do not need to be stumbling blocks. Countless successful contractors have figured out solutions to those things. The ability to choose your work, craft your calendar for your preferred work/life balance, take on new and interesting opportunities, becoming a sought after and well respected technician in the IT profession, and getting paid well for your expertise makes all the details worth figuring out. If you implement the tips suggested above, you will have a solid foundation for a fulfilling and successful career as an independent consultant. 

Take advantage of the resources Stone Door Group has to offer to hone your skills and stay on the leading edge of emerging technology. Don’t lose relevance at a corporate job. If you’re concerned about enough work; Stone Door Group gets you opportunities. We provide the perks and compensation without the hassle. Don’t stop what you’re doing, just position yourself for more options. If you're ready to have a more balanced life but can’t sacrifice pay; Stone Door Group gets you the work you want. We value quality without you losing your freedom. Don’t wait! Contact us today to find out if joining our team could be the ticket to more freedom, more money, and more choice.

About the Author

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Amy Zaremba is the Operations Coordinator for Stone Door Group, a DevOps Solutions Integrator. Amy is heavily involved with the onboarding and integration of all new consultants.  Stone Door Group is an IBM and Red Hat Apex partner, specializing in enterprise DevOps hybrid cloud engineering solutions helping enterprises of all sizes with their digital transformation initiatives. To learn more about opportunities with Stone Door Group or how we can help, drop us a line at: